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Bug Fix Mirrored from RHBA-2024:1642
Issued at: 2024-04-05
Updated at: 2024-04-05


redhat-support-lib-python and redhat-support-tool bug fix and enhancement update


The redhat-support-tool utility facilitates console-based access to Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation's subscriber services and gives Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation subscribers more venues for accessing the content and services available to them as Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation customers. Further, it enables Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation customers to integrate and automate their helpdesk services with our subscription services.

The redhat-support-lib-python package provides a Python library that developers can use to easily write software solutions that leverage Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation Access subscription services

Bug Fix(es) and Enhancement(s):

* Deprecate the Basic Authentication in redhat-support-tool (JIRA:Rocky Linux-24845)

* Deprecate the Basic Authentication in redhat-support-tool (JIRA:Rocky Linux-24846)

* redhat-support-tool: Python tarfile extraction needs change to avoid a warning (JIRA:Rocky Linux-2397)

Affected products

Rocky Linux 8 aarch64 Rocky Linux 8 x86_64



Affected packages

Rocky Linux 8 x86_64 - AppStream

redhat-support-lib-python-0:0.14.1-0.el8_9.noarch.rpm redhat-support-lib-python-0:0.14.1-0.el8_9.src.rpm redhat-support-tool-0:0.14.1-0.el8_9.noarch.rpm redhat-support-tool-0:0.14.1-0.el8_9.src.rpm

Rocky Linux 8 aarch64 - AppStream

redhat-support-lib-python-0:0.14.1-0.el8_9.noarch.rpm redhat-support-lib-python-0:0.14.1-0.el8_9.src.rpm redhat-support-tool-0:0.14.1-0.el8_9.noarch.rpm redhat-support-tool-0:0.14.1-0.el8_9.src.rpm