Issued at: 2024-08-21
Updated at: 2024-08-21
virt-v2v bug fix update
The virt-v2v package provides a tool for converting virtual machines to use the KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) hypervisor or Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation Enterprise Virtualization. The tool modifies both the virtual machine image and its associated libvirt metadata. Also, virt-v2v can configure a guest to use VirtIO drivers if possible.
Bug fixes:
* qemu-guest-agent not being installed at first boot in Windows Server 2022 (Rocky Linux-54150)
* Uninstalling vmware-tools from windows guest sometimes fails with exit code 1618 or exit code 1603 (Rocky Linux-54151)
* Allow --mac gw and len fields to be optional (Rocky Linux-54152)