Issued at: 2024-09-17
Updated at: 2024-09-17
rteval bug fix update
The rteval packages contain a utility for measuring realtime scheduler latency while under a heavy system load.
Bug Fix(es):
* Replace dmi information with info from execing dmidecode [rhel-9.4.z] (JIRA:Rocky Linux-34566)
* rteval cyclictest command line arguments broken when called as a module [rhel-9.4.z] (JIRA:Rocky Linux-47154)
* Replace deprecated optparse with argparse for rteval [rhel-9.4.z] (JIRA:Rocky Linux-47209)
* Examine how to change rteval to automatically make use of isolcpus [rhel-9.4.z] (JIRA:Rocky Linux-47211)
* Update rteval [rhel-9.4.0] to latest version upstream [rhel-9.4.z] (JIRA:Rocky Linux-47212)
* Upgrade rteval to use linux-6.6.1 as the default kernel for loads [rhel-9.4.z] (JIRA:Rocky Linux-47213)
* Remove upstream spec files from rteval [rhel-9.4.z] (JIRA:Rocky Linux-47214)
* Add rpminspect.yaml file to rteval to omit permissions inspections [rhel-9.4.z] (JIRA:Rocky Linux-47215)
* Remove dependency on python-dmidecode [rhel-9.4.z] (JIRA:Rocky Linux-47216)
* Refine the user interface on rteval for isolcpus [rhel-9.4.z] (JIRA:Rocky Linux-47217)
* rteval missing procps-ng dependency when installed in minimal environments [rhel-9.4.z] (JIRA:Rocky Linux-47240)